[DJ], What You've Achieved Is Awesome.

Published: Sun, 12/21/14

Hi ,

At this time of year it's easy to get reflective. "Another year over and a new one just begun" (to quote a famous Beatle)

Instead of thinking, "I never did this, I should have done that" you should be proud of what you've achieved this year. Let me tell you why.

There's so many people who say they want to learn guitar but never get round to it.

So many people that make excuses such as: "Perhaps next year." "I'm not musical" "I don't have the time" etc... 

But that's not you is it? 

You ARE doing it. You've taken that first step. 

That takes courage. That takes dedication, passion and positive action.  

You should be REALLY proud of what you've achieved, because so many people don't take that first step.

So give yourself a pat on the back.

Keep on playing and have a great holiday,

Drue James.

P.S. To continue taking positive action in the New Year subscribe to the Learn Guitar In London YouTube Channel
