[DJ] BOOM! I wasn't expecting this.

Published: Sun, 02/15/15

Hi ,

in just 26 hours we've reached full funding on KickStarter!

That's FANTASTIC! Thank you so much. There's is one small snag with this project. 

It's still got 14 days left.

Now it is 164% funded but ALL funding will go towards video equipment to make your future lessons higher quality and easier to follow.

This is what I'd like us to achieve.

There's still time to back this project and bag yourself one of the exclusive rewards.

There's a limited number of Barre Chord Buster or Sing & Strum E Course rewards.

The last time I looked there was only one 60 minute One To One Skype Lesson left.

Remember, any money put towards this project will be helping to make your guitar lessons better and easier to understand. That's a great thing to be a part of, don't you think? 

Start backing now and grab those last few rewards. Use the link below.

>>> Let's Make Better Online Guitar Lessons


Keep on playing,

Drue James.

