[DJ] Will You Ever Be Good Enough At Guitar?

Published: Fri, 06/05/15

Hi ,

will you ever be good enough at guitar?

You keep practising, but your goals are always far away.

Why does this keep happening?

It happens because you keep moving the goal posts.

It happens because once you've learnt how to play one thing, you always want to learn something bigger and better.

​It happens because your human and forever curious about what else you can achieve. 

STOP for a second and think about how far you've come. (even if you're just starting out)

Because you will always have that feeling that you could be better.

That feeling should be used to push yourself into new areas of guitar, but not to discourage you from enjoying where you are now.

I'm not as good as I want to be. I don't know any musician who is.

The point is, stop looking at where you want to be and start appreciating where you are.

Keep on playing,

Drue James.



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