[DJ] 50% of playing guitar is...

Published: Wed, 09/16/15

Hi ,

let's talk about rhythm.

If you think playing guitar is all about fretting notes and playing chords then you're wrong.

If someone only knows 2 chords but has great rhythm guitar skills, then it's that person that will get the party started.

If you've got your rhythm in check, the rest will follow.

With that in mind there's something I'd like to run past you.

I'm planning a new rhythm guitar course (due for release in December 2015) and I want your feedback to make the course as enjoyable and easy to follow as possible.

For your feedback I'll give you a 25% discount when the course is released.


Here's what you need to do...

Reply to this email with your full name and how you would finish these 3 sentences:

1: My rhythm guitar would be better if...

2: The thing I find most difficult about strumming is...

3: I'd most like to learn about ??? in a rhythm guitar course.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Keep on playing,

Drue James.

