[DJ] I sucked at guitar until I learnt how to do this.

Published: Sun, 12/20/15

Hi ,

have you ever had that "eureka" moment when learning guitar?

That moment when something clicks.

All of a sudden you've got this new perspective and you think "Why haven't I done this before?"

Your guitar sounds different. Music sounds different.

And it's all because you discovded something that was missing.

Something that makes all songs come to life.

That "something" is often overlooked, especially by self taught guitarists (myself included)

A small percentage of people can do it naturally but for everyone else (myself included again) it must be played over and over. 

This FREE video explains more.

Keep on playing,

Drue James.



P.S. Don't make the same mistakes I did. It took me 6 years to realise what I was missing. This often happens when you learn guitar by yourself.

Find out more with this FREE video.