[DJ] If you don't feel up to it...

Published: Sun, 04/24/16

Hi ,

let's talk about those days when everything feels like a chore.

We all get them. (And if you don't then count yourself lucky)

They can happen from a combination of things: not enough sleep, partying too hard, work stress etc. 

Whatever the case we all have times when things feel like an uphill struggle.

And if you remember the mantra of "play often, improve faster" then taking "days out" when learning guitar can harm your progress.

So what can you do when these days happen?

It's going to be different for everyone but one piece of sage advice that I use is "just do a little bit"

For some reason, whenever I tell myself this it makes it easier to get started.

And I'm always surprised at how "a little bit" will often lead to a little bit more. And then, before I know it, I've reached my goal. 

The strange thing is I'm sure you really enjoy playing guitar, but sometimes keeping the consistency of daily practice can be a challenge.

The next time you have a "low energy day" give this technique a try.

Keep on playing,

Drue James.

P.S. If you've got the motivation but you're feeling overwhelmed with "where to begin" when learning guitar, try a structured course like Natural Rhythm or Barre Chord Buster. Click the links below to find out more:​​​​​​​

