[DJ] The Steven Spielberg guide to rhythm guitar.

Published: Wed, 03/23/16

Hi ,

Which of these movies have you seen?

[+] Schindler’s List

[+] Jurassic Park

[+] Lincoln

[+] E.T.

[+] Saving Private Ryan

Here’s what’s crazy:

These Spielberg films almost never got made.

When Steven Spielberg was in high school, he craved a job at Universal Studios.

He wanted to get a “feel” for Hollywood filmmaking.

Problem was, he couldn’t get a job.

So he got creative:

“Every day, for three months in a row, I walked through the gates dressed in a sincere black suit and carrying a briefcase. 

I visited every set I could, got to know people, observed techniques, and just generally absorbed the atmosphere.”

Can you believe that?

According to Spielberg, he waltzed right past the gatekeepers in a suit, with a smile and his morning coffee –

…even though he had no reason to be there.

“It took Universal two years to discover I was on the lot.”

That’s how geniuses do it.

They start with nothing (Spielberg couldn’t even get hired as an unpaid assistant) –

…and they make it happen anyway.

It’s sort of like learning rhythm guitar.

Maybe you’re inexperienced with strumming and keeping time.

You find it difficult to keep a strumming pattern consistent.

Perhaps you find it challenging to play along with the original recording.

It’s tough.

That’s why Natural Rhythm is a comprehensive plan to improving all areas of your rhythm guitar playing.

Have a setback or disadvantage?

Let Natural Rhythm be your “suit and briefcase.”

Discover how right here:


Keep on playing,

Drue James.

P.S. Natural Rhythm is available with a massive 50% off "New Course Discount" This discount will be ending on Sunday 27th March at 6pm (GMT)

