[DJ] Quick Question.

Published: Sun, 05/01/16

Hi ,

have you heard the expression "You've got to fake it until you make it"?

This means exaggerating your confidence to perform something, even if you don't have the full ability.

As long as what you're trying to "make" is something that you love doing then I think "faking it" for a while can be a good idea.

Take barre chords for example.

Do you find yourself thinking "These are too hard. There's no way I'll be able to play them"?

Or perhaps you've heard stories from friends who said they quit guitar because barre chords were too difficult.

If you bury your head in the sand and ignore them then a little bit of of "Fake It" attitude will help you get started. Here's why...

As humans we hate being wrong. We can't stand hearing barre chords played badly. We want it to be right, or it's just not worth it!

Here's the truth:

To get good at a skill like barre chords you must you've got to accept that they're going to sound bad before they start to sound better. (It's when they don't sound at all, that you're in trouble)

Just go for it! Except they're going to sound bad, but play them anyway.

Do it with a smile on your face (because you know you're playing the long game)

Keep on playing,

Drue James.

P.S. Barre Chord Buster is a step by step course for helping you play and change between barre chords (plus lots of other great lessons, like theory and guitar setup.)

Click the link below to find out more:​​​​​​​
