[DJ] - This is dangerous.

Published: Fri, 06/17/16

Hi ,

What if I said learning guitar is easy?

Would you believe me?

Because that's just what the adverts want you to believe:

"Learn guitar in 4 weeks and become the envy of all your friends"

These type of ads are DANGEROUS. They are demotivating (and they make me angry) Start of rant...

They encourage a false idea that getting good at guitar is an easy task. They treat it like a cheap throw away skill that can be mastered in a set time limit.

Quite frankly, anyone who buys into this will not last 5 minutes at guitar (let alone 4 weeks)

Don't get me wrong. You CAN learn some songs quickly. There's a series of "Quick Riffs" over at the LGIL Website that help you do this.

However, a skill like guitar playing cannot be bought and mastered in a set time period.

It doesn't work like that.

It SHOULDN'T work like that.

Anything worth achieving should take time, perseverance and courage.

The LGIL Premium Courses will NOT get you playing guitar in 4 weeks.

They WON'T make you Hendrix overnight.

They are NOT made with the "advert people" in mind.

They are born from an honest desire to help you discover and achieve more with your guitar playing.

(end of rant)

Keep on playing and always stay inspired,

Drue James.

P.S. All Premium Course currently have "An Unusual 20% Discount" that will be ending soon. Here's the links:

  • Natural Rhythm (35 video course with 18 downloadable rhythm sheets. NEW TESTIMONIALS ADDED)

