[DJ] I Made The Same Mistake For 4 Years... (Don't Do The Same)

Published: Sun, 05/21/17

Hi ,

this is urgent.

This is a wake up call to all self taught guitarists. (especially beginners.)

From teaching hundreds of previously self taught guitarists I've seen one common problem.

One fly in the ointment.

It's easy to overlook. But it's essential if you want to be a competent guitarist.

Some people have it naturally.

Some people THINK they have it naturally, but when push comes to shove they can't hack it.

Turn on a metronome (a time keeping device) and all of a sudden they're lost.

A solid sense of timing and rhythm transforms even the earliest beginner into a musical sounding guitarist. 

It's amazing what you can do with 2 chords and a creative rhythm pattern.

Natural Rhythm was born from my mistakes. I was self taught for 4 years and still couldn't string a decent rhythm together.

Don't make the same mistakes I did.

Click the blue link below to find out more...

Learn From My Mistakes - Natural Rhythm


Keep on playing,

​​​​​​​Drue James.

