[DJ] I've Been Itching To Write You An Email.

Published: Sat, 04/01/17

Hi ,

I've been itching to write you an email but life keeps getting in the way.

It comes down to discipline and making space in my schedule. If you haven't played guitar in a while perhaps you know where I'm coming from.

Of course, the longer you leave it the more distant it feels. But it's just mind games. Once you get playing you always enjoy it. 

When I'm in a constructive routine I find guitar practice easier and more enjoyable. 

Perhaps you have that regular time each day when you play. Develop and stay with a routine. It makes all the difference in the beginning.

Little and often. 20 minutes then take a 5 minute break. Repeat this up to 3 more times.

This is proven to develop the muscles in your hand (and connect the neurons in your brain) faster than long drawn out sessions.

It also strengthens your motivation.

Don't believe me? Try it out this week.

Keep on playing,

​​​​​​​Drue James.

