[DJ] Little Victories - VITAL For Fun and Rewarding Guitar Practice.

Published: Sun, 06/11/17

Drue James - www.LearnGuitarInLondon.com - Free Acoustic Guitar Lessons

Hi ,

it's natural to fear change.

The unknown can make even the strongest people shiver.

But we all know in our heart of hearts that we can't progress without change.

We can't reach new musical heights. We can't impress ourselves (and others) with our music.

But why change the way you practice guitar?

​​​​​​​You should only change the way you practice if you answer "no" to this question:

Are you enjoying each practice session?

If you're not happy with each practice (and your results) then my advice is simple...

Look for the "Little Victories"

When you steam into a YouTube song lesson "determined to learn the whole song and play it flawlessly" then you're not being realistic.

And this can damage your confidence. More importantly, this can damage your motivation.

Instead, look for "Little Victories" with every practice.

Maybe a new chord is sounding better than yesterday. Perhaps you've got a new pattern under your fingers.

Fingerstyle Freedom was made to encourage "Little Victories" It contains short, meaningful and "realistic" song lessons.

It not swamp you under with over the top arrangements. It has 36 easily digestible lessons that build your fingerstyle confidence with every practice session.

Change the way you play and start Fingerstyle Freedom today. Click the blue link below to find out more...

Keep on playing,
Drue and Jules - www.LearnGuitarInLondon.com

Drue James. - Your Online Guitar Mentor​​​​​​​