[DJ] The Honeymoon Period Is Over.

Published: Tue, 06/13/17

Drue James - www.LearnGuitarInLondon.com - Free Acoustic Guitar Lessons

Hi , 

"Everything smelt like roses. I couldn't put a foot wrong. It all seemed so easy"

Those first few months with your guitar can be the "honeymoon" period. 

"I know 4 chords. Wow! Now I can play 100's of songs"

That "new skill euphoria" is great, but unfortunately it doesn't last. I don't want to put a dampener on things, I just want to be realistic.

When you realise that guitar is a lifelong skill, not a short vacation, that's when it "clicks" for most guitarists.

If you're getting over the "honeymoon" phase and starting to get into bigger challenges then I have 2 pieces of advice:

1: Stay with your motivation. If guitar is meant to be for you, then no amount of frustration or repetition will dampen your spirits and make you give up.

2: Follow a structured course of lessons. Moving from one random Youtube lesson to another will not help you progress.

For most new guitarists that "new skill euphoria" starts to rub off when they hit barre chords. (Holding down more than one string with only one finger)

How do other people make them look so easy?

1: They've played them A LOT!

2: They didn't shy away from the fact that they sounded bad in the beginning. They just played them anyway.

3: They made a commitment to learning them no matter what!

Number 3 is the most important. I only want you to click the blue link below if you're committed to mastering barre chords:​​​​​​​

Keep on playing,
Drue and Jules - www.LearnGuitarInLondon.com

Drue James. - Your Online Guitar Mentor​​​​​​​