[DJ] The "Highest Form Of Learning Guitar"

Published: Fri, 12/15/17


Hello ,

so far we've discovered that learning guitar from unorganised YouTube lessons isn't the most effective use of our practice time. 

We've found out that guitar video games are great for getting feedback on your playing, but they don't show you how to improve.

Today let's look at traditional one to one lessons.

An experienced teacher will structure your lessons so you don't get overwhelmed.

They will give you feedback on your playing and set out a bespoke practice routine to help you improve.

What are the disadvantages?

The first one is cost.

If you have one lesson a week it will cost you around £140 ($190) a month.

And not everyone can afford that.

You're also restricted to finding a teacher in your local area who has the same music taste as you. Life's too short to learn songs you don't like!

And finally you've got to take time out of your day to travel to lessons.

One to one lessons are fine if you an afford them and you're lucky enough to find a local teacher who understands your learning style.

At this point you might be thinking, "Drue, you've criticised every popular method of learning guitar"

I'm not here to be a buzzkill.

YouTube Lessons, Guitar Video Games and One To One all have their advantages.

But there is an alternative method I'd like to share with you soon.

For now let's summarise what we've learnt so far:

Instead of random YouTube lessons use structured and supported online courses.

Instead of guitar video games that don't show you how to improve find an online teacher who offers friendly playing advice and practical guidance.

Instead of one to one lessons that are expensive and limited to your locality find an online teacher who has the same music taste as you and understands your learning style. 

Keep on playing and speak to you soon, 

Drue and Jules
Drue James. - Your Guitar Mentor​​​​​​​

P.S. Tomorrow I'll be unveiling my "2 Year Project". I'm nervous, because it was a big decision to take this step. I'll fill you in tomorrow :)