[DJ] Only For The Brave.

Published: Wed, 12/20/17


Hello ,

this isn't for everyone. Tread with caution as this email might make you nervous.

It's not for someone who has been treading water with their guitar playing.

It's not for someone who is in the safe zone. 

Playing the same songs, the same riffs. Doing the same practice routine. Getting the same results.

It is for someone who's hungry for a change.

Someone's who's brave enough to take a different route.

​​​​​​​But most importantly someone who doesn't mind putting their own guitar playing out there.

Sharing it with others. Sharing it with a teacher.

Have you ever recorded yourself playing guitar?

It can be tense, it can be frustrating and it can be scary. 

Why would you put yourself through that?

In one word. 


It will teach you how to keep your cool when playing in front of other people.

It will give you perspective on your guitar journey.

If you watch your video back in 2 months time and you practice regularly I guarantee you'll see a noticeable improvement.

You will also become the witness of your playing. Let me explain...

When you're playing guitar you don't often listen to what you're doing.

I know this sounds crazy, but because you're concentrating on what to play you're not actually listening to your playing.

Recording your guitar playing, be it audio or video is the only way to truly hear your songs without being apart of them.

Now most people won't ever take this step.

In fact around 95% of the people reading this email won't even try it.

And that's cool.

That's the way it is.

As I said at the beginning it's not for everyone. 

It's easy to think your not good enough or let the nerves get the better of you.

But my advice is go for it.

Get your phone or tablet out and hit record.

Don't aim for the perfect performance. 

Don't expect your playing on camera to be as good as practice. In the beginning it won't be.

If you can take this step then you WILL learn from it.

And you're still reading then I know you're serious about making a positive change to your playing.

The final step is to share your playing with a guitar teacher who can give you positive feedback and practice guidance.

If a teacher can see and hear you playing guitar then they can give you bespoke advice. Just like a one to one lesson.

You can get this advice and playing routine guidance at The Premium Student Area.

The Video Review Service allows you to get personalised feedback on your playing.

And you can get started from just £7.49 a month.

Find Out More About The Premium Student Area

Keep on playing (and recording),

Drue and Jules
Drue James. - Your Guitar Mentor​​​​​​​