[DJ] Your LGIL Student Area Access (MY MISTAKE)

Published: Tue, 02/06/18


Hello ,

so I'll be the first to my put my hands up and say I've made a BIG mistake. But I want you to hear me out on this one...

Currently the LGIL Student Area has 49,858 members. And while this is awesome it's creating a huge memory resource issue with my hosting server.

I'm certain that only about a quarter of those members still use the site. I've never deleted any inactive members since the sites creation in 2012.

Because there is so many members it's causing the server to crash when you try to login.

I want to be as transparent with you as possible.

If you've bought a Premium Course your account WON'T be removed.

Secondly, the worst that could happen is that if your free account is removed you'll have to sign up again.

Apart from being a small inconvenience I hope you understand this means more up time for the website and a better user experience for all.

Once the inactive members have been deleted the site will be back to normal.

I've learnt a few lessons over the last 10 days:

No.1 Regularly keep your website user base tidy and delete any members who haven't logged in for the last 9 months.

No.2 How to reboot my server every time it crashes.

Please be patient with the LGIL website over the next few days.

Keep on playing,

Drue and Jules
Drue James. - Your Guitar Mentor​​​​​​​