[DJ] Stop Playing The Same 5 Songs

Published: Sun, 02/25/18

Hello ,

here's some great playing advice I got recently...

“The only time you are actually growing is when you're uncomfortable”

Think about the times you were most happy with your guitar progress.

Was it easy to get there?

I'm betting your answer is "no".

And that's where the real magic is with learning guitar.

It's when you're on the edge of your ability (or beyond it.)

It's when you're taking on new songs regardless of how they sound.

Being stuck in a comfort zone kills your guitar dreams.

To grow, learn and develop you must take on new challenges.

You can do this by joining a group of people who have the same 
ambitions as you.

Every Premium Student Area member was getting out of their comfort zone when they signed up.

They knew it would be strange playing guitar in the Live Webinars.

They knew it would take courage to film their own playing and share it with the community.

But the rewards were worth it.

Their confidence grew and they got essential feedback to play even
better guitar.

So take on a new challenge and get out of your playing rut.

Keep on playing,

Drue James - Your Online Guitar Mentor