LizNews Newsletter #8 - Book Giveaway!

Published: Sat, 06/15/13

LizNews E-mail Newsletter | Elizabeth Gilbert - The Official Website |

Dear Ones -

It's Book Giveaway time again!

As many of you know, I have in my possession some early review copies of my new novel, "The Signature of All Things", which will be published in October.

I will be giving away one copy a month, through October.

Every month, I will ask a simple and subjective question, which relates somehow to my novel. You send your answers, and I choose the answer I like best. I will send the winner a signed copy of the book...anywhere in the world!

Last month's question was, "Who is your favorite heroine of literary history?" The winner was a reader named Diane Wulf, who wrote so beautifully and movingly about her love for Jane Eyre that she not only won the prize, but also convinced me to FINALLY read "Jane Eyre" for myself...and even to start a Jane Eyre Book Club on my Facebook page.

So you never know what this could lead to, is what I'm saying!

(Thank you, Diane...and I hope you are enjoying your personalized copy of "The Signature of All Things".)

This month's question has to do with nature. My novel's heroine, Alma Whittaker, is a 19th century botanical explorer, who finds her life's purpose in the study of plants. So my question for you this month is:


Please click below and write your response! If you win, you will hear from me, and I will send you a signed copy of "The Signature of All Things"!
Please also enjoy this video, which I made from my porch.

Finally, if you would like to pre-order the novel, you may click here and do so! I much appreciate it.

Thanks, friends....and good luck!


Liz |