LizNews Newsletter #11 - Book Giveaway!

Published: Sat, 08/31/13

LizNews E-mail Newsletter | Elizabeth Gilbert - The Official Website |

Dear Friends!

I feel like giving away another book! Who would like one?

This newsletter marks the fourth giveaway for my new novel "The Signature of All Things" (which will not officially be published till October 1, 2013.)

So far, our winners have included: 1) a sensitive lover of Jane Eyre, 2) a boldly wandering lichen-hunter, and 3) a brave adventurer who followed her heart (and the music) to Ireland.

Shall the next book go to you? It will, if I like your answer to this question:


Since "The Signature of All Things" is entirely about one woman's passion (for botanical exploration, in Alma's case), passion has been much on my mind lately. My defining passion, of course, is writing. Also, melted cheese. I would so enjoy hearing all about yours...

So here's what you do! Just click this tab and answer the question, and if I love your answer most, I'll contact you personally, and send you the book!
Also, don't forget that I'm soon to begin a YEAR of touring, which will take me all over the USA, and then onward into Europe. The plans are still forming (Brazil is in my plans for 2014, as well, and even India!) but the best iteration of my tour schedule SO FAR can be found on my lovely website, right here:

What's more, just because I love making them, please enjoy my silliest home video yet. (This one includes a pop surprise visit from a very special guest: my friend Dave, the director of all these goofy videos, and the architect behind my website.)
And lastly, if you would like to pre-order your very own copy of "The Signature of All Things", please feel free to do so right here:
All blessings to you ALL.  I'm counting the days till the book comes out and I can hit the road to meet as many of you as possible!

Yours in reading (and melted cheese),
Liz |