LizNews #18 - THANK YOU...and signed books!

Published: Fri, 08/01/14

Dear Ones:

Thank you again to all of you who came out to see me on my book tour in July! I loved meeting so many of you in person. And thank you for helping to make THE SIGNATURE OF ALL THINGS into a New York Times Bestseller! I am deeply grateful (and so is Alma).

If you missed me on book tour, and would still like a signed book, I wanted to let you know that you can now buy signed copies of ALL my books online, through my store, Two Buttons.

In addition to my books, we will be adding new treasures from the store every day to the online take a look around!

And if you haven't had a chance to visit Frenchtown, NJ, and explore Two Buttons in person, here's a really cool new virtual tour, just for fun!

Lastly, if you would like to join the Two Buttons newsletter - to keep up with all our events and sales - you can do so right here:

But mostly, and forever, THANK YOU for your generous love and support of my books!

All the best,
Liz |