LL Coaching Ltd

Simple, practical tips and insights on self-care, wellness and journaling within an overall theme of personal development, healing, growth and transformation.

Allow me to re-introduce myself

Published: Sat, 10/21/17

Hi ,Now you're either wondering who the hell I am and why I'm emailing you, or you're wondering where on earth I've been.Because it's been a hot…

Have you ever felt lost?

Published: Wed, 11/16/16

Hey, how are you?Things are a little different since my last email, not only for me but for the world. I've now relocated to Tenerife (although I'll…

It's time to let go and have faith

Published: Fri, 09/30/16

Hey !How are you feeling as we approach a new month and season?From my last email, you'll know that I've spent the last goodness knows how many weeks…

Have you stopped following your curiosity?

Published: Wed, 09/07/16

Hey !How did August treat you? I thought Summer in the UK was officially over, but today the sun has come back out to play.Unfortunately, I'm not…

what do you need?

Published: Wed, 07/01/15

Well hey there !I am feeling overly cheerful this morning as it is set to be the hottest day in something like 10 years here in the UK. I know I say…

are you celebrating each and every day?

Published: Fri, 05/01/15

Hey, Happy May Day! Yesterday I celebrated my 35th birthday. Normally I'm really e cited about my birthday but this year, the number of candles on my…

is it time for change?

Published: Wed, 04/01/15

Hey, Welcome to a new month, a new season and the second quarter of 2015. How was March for you? It was a bit of a busy month. Not only was it…

Spring is on it's way!

Published: Mon, 03/02/15

Hey, How has your month been? Have you managed to stick to your new year's intentions and make progress?I have in some areas of my life, but not all.

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