LandlordMax Newsletter - LandlordMax Network Version is RELEASED!!

Published: Fri, 04/19/13


LandlordMax Network Version Released!

The highly anticipated and awaited release of the LandlordMax Network version is now available!!

You can find the Release Notes which explain and list all the new features in the latest release notes .  Of course the most highly requested feature is the full networking capabilities with full multi-user support. Yes you can now connect many people to the same database at the same time!

Above being networked, we've also made it so that the network version is cloud enabled, which means you can use it in the cloud where certain cloud services are available, such as Amazon's EC2 cloud services (which we used for hosting the Server for internal testing).

For those of you excited to get going, you can find further and detailed instructions in the online user manual , specifically in the Quick Start section called Networked Server System, and in the Network System chapters which contains a number of different sections based on your different needs.

As previously expected and disclosed in previous newsletters, the software is available in three different networked offerings, along with the standard desktop offering. Therefore you will have a total of four options when purchasing LandlordMax:

1. Desktop - $165
2. Soho - (Small Office / Home Office) for up to 2 users - $495
3. Pro - for up to 10 users - $995
4. Enterprise - for an unlimited number of users AND access to the Landlord User Type

As well, as we've been promising, all existing customers of the Desktop version can apply the full price of their purchase of the Desktop version ($165) against any of the Network version offerings. All you have to do is go to the Purchase page and select the "Upgrade Now" button to validate your existing Desktop license. Once the website has validated your license, the discount will immediately appear and you can select the exact Networked version you wish to upgrade to.

Lastly please note that version 6.05e of the Desktop version is included free of charge for everyone who owns a valid license for version 6.05d. So if you're already on the Desktop version and just wish to stay on the Desktop version, you can upgrade free of charge if your license already includes the latest version from the website.

LandlordMax Tip:

If you are not a very technical person or have never setup a server system, and you want your LandlordMax Server system to have internet access, then you may want to get some assistance from a local IT professional to help you out. As much as we've tried to simplify the system and setup, depending on what you want to do, and how you want to do it, you may want to get some additional IT assistance. Much like most property owners will hire an electrician or plumber to help them do more complex tasks if they aren't familiar with electrical wiring or plumbing.

LandlordMax Testimonial of the Month:

"Your system is so easy to use and generate reports and check for errors that I can't believe it - with my other software if I saw an error it took about 5x as long to fix the error as to input the information so I really appreciate your edit function works so well with information already in the system.
I really love your system versus the one I have been using for about the last 10 years and certainly I love it better than Quick Books for tracking."
- Susan Jackson

"Dear Landlordmax, I wanted to let you know we have been using your software for over a year and we love it. I can't imagine using any other landlord program again and we have tried several. [...] We are running about 800 tenants for 4 landlords [...]. Thanks and keep up the good work."
- Eddie Campbell

"Last week I purchased a copy of LLM and I LOVE IT.  This weekend, I read the instruction manual and successfully loaded all of my data into the software....super easy to use and very well put together."
- Stephen Powell ( [])

Final Words:

It's been quite an exciting adventure getting the Network version of LandlordMax release. My congratulations and thank you go out to our whole team for all their hard work and effort. I also want to give a special thanks to our Support Director Jacinthe who been exceptionally helpful with this release. Thank you everyone who has helped and supported us in getting the Network version 6.05e released!