We have a PREVIEW and an airing date!!!

Published: Fri, 04/08/16

We have an airing date! 

June 13th 10/9 Central will be the airing date for NBC's Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge! 

If you live here in Charleston, or are going to be visiting, we invite you to watch it with us! Details on the location coming soon. 

We couldn't have asked for a team with more heart. 

Watch for us, Team Charleston Warriors.

Our awesome ELITE athlete, Orla Walsh, proved to be not only an amazing athlete, but an amazing leader of our Charleston Warriors team. At ages 37 (me), 38 (Stephen), 39 (Elea), and 44 (Adam), we took advantage of our years of experience on that course. 

We can't wait to see how the final editing turns out!​​

I wish you all could have been there in person. The competition was fierce and close, and the tears streaming down the faces of the people in the audience are real.

I’m tearing up right now as I type this and think back to all the heart that was poured into those days.

NBC did a wonderful job in casting people who live real lives, face real struggles, and kick butt when they can fit it into their really busy schedules. These modern day warriors are going to inspire you and make you feel emotions you probably haven’t felt in years.

If you aren’t familiar with the Spartan Race or American Ninja Warrior yet, click the links to see what I’m talking about.

We will keep you up to date via email and you can follow performance-focused and Spartan-inspired social media through TheAthElite channels:








I want to give a shout out to our team Elite, Orla Walsh, and our team Elite alternate, Kate Cramer.

The teams were comprised of 4 “mortal” members;-), and producers paired us up with an Elite Spartan athlete.

We lucked out with Orla. She is the most down to earth, kind, and team-oriented badass we’ve ever met.

Check out Orla’s – ER Nurse and Ski Patrol by week, Elite Spartan Racer by weekend – #WhyIRace story here and make sure you follow her on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Oh and did I mention she is hilarious!?

We also lucked out by getting to hang out with and strategize with Kate Cramer too! Kate was flown in as an alternate Elite just in case an elite was injured and couldn’t compete.

I can’t tell you if Kate competed or not, but I can tell you Kate kicks some serious ass. Stephen and I first met Kate at the Spartan SGX Coaching certification program just minutes after she won the Spartan Fenway Sprint Elite Heat.

We will have more updates as we get closer to airing time this spring. I just wanted to take the time to give you an update and to say thank you all so much for the kind words and generous support.

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