Dominate your middle school tryout - Step #08 - Stand Out in a Tryout

Published: Fri, 10/02/15

Hope you're having a great week , it's a great time to start making winning your habit!
Dominate Your Middle School Tryout
9 Week Series
Follow the plan to learn the best way for your child to dominate their middle school tryout, and for you to dominate being an awesome parent.
Click on the video below to watch the short video.  And then do the homework and take action!

If you missed any of the first 7 steps, here are the links:

Step 1 - Create a Plan

Step 7 - Preparing Mentally 

If you have any like-minded friends who might be interested in this as well - please tell them to sign up for the email list too: Email Sign-up
  Dominate your middle school tryout Step 8 - Stand Out in a Tryout
Dominate your Middle School Tryout - Step 8: Stand Out in a Tryout
Episode 057 Warren Nye- Youth Hockey - Mental Fitness and Coaching Mind Over Sport
Make winning your habit starting today !
It's not the will to win that matters-everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters.  - Paul "Bear" Bryant
Craig Haworth