Cut Once and Measure Twice...

Published: Mon, 04/06/09

Free Training and Your OWN Branded Customizable Marketing System:


Hello ,


Well there is gold in the saying "Cut Once and Measure Twice".  I have been migrating over to a new domain and there was bound to be some errors in the transition. I thought I had covered the important bases like working links in my e-mails but turns out I forgot to change one link and it broke a couple things. You live and learn from your mistakes.


The Training Links found above were inaccessible through my e-mail links but they should be fixed now. If you didn't bookmark the training website when you first signed up it can be accessed again up on top of this e-mail.


Here are free methods to growing your business as promised.

Here it is again. http:///training


The one major tip I can give with the free information found on my training site is.... Take Massive Action Today.