Perry Marshall 15% off Birthday SALE - Thursday and Friday ONLY

Published: Fri, 04/10/09

Hey ,
PPC (Pay per click) resident Guru Perry Marshall is having a sale for his 40th birthday. I highly recommend you take a look at this information if you are using PPC now or will be in the future. Every single expert agrees that the FASTEST way to getting laser targeted leads is through PPC. The trick is to do it so you don't pay too much.
First time ever - all products on sale today & tomorrow only:

EVEN! Definitive Guide to Google AdWords

Perry Marshall NEVER has sales. EVER.

Get a bargain on a Definitive Guide to Google AdWords, or a
Marketing System in a Box, or a 30 Minute Consultation - get it
now here:

Perry Marshall's Definitive Guide to Google AdWords Sales Letter

Prices changed in the shopping cart. All the
copy and everything else is the same. For example the White
Papers course is $84.15 instead of $99. All the major products,
across the board.

The old prices will come back at midnight on Friday.
If there is one person you can trust to TEACH you a specific subject, Perry Marshall is the Definitive source to Teach you PPC advertising. If you really want to turn your part time income to full time wealth this is NOT an optional purchase.