2hr Till Show Time: Tonight @ 9PM EST we make MLM History...*** 390,000 Leads & 60,000 Distributors ***

Published: Thu, 08/20/09


August 20th 2009, 9:00 PM EST...

A day the MLM industry will never forget...

A new wave of leadership is upon us...

The most powerful team is born...

Tonight will be a night to remember.

Access to a group of individuals who have put
up earth-shattering numbers in their respective
companies and they've now joined forces.

I 100% assure you this has never been done before
because 99.9% of network marketing leaders have
egos the size of California and think there is only
one way to build an M*L*M business... either offline
OR online and that's it.

Well this team doesn't fall into that category.  They've
assembled a group of the best offline networkers and
most lethal online marketers to join forces and build
the largest downline in the history of our industry.

The numbers speak for themselves.  No hype, no fluff.
What this group has been able to achieve in this industry
is unfathomable.  

And all they want to do is help you... equip you with the
best time-tested proven offline strategies they've used
to build downlines of 60,000+ in record time (in more than
one company).

Give you the most powerful systems & online lead generation tools
to virally grow YOUR M*L*M business leveraging the vast
power of the internet, to the tune of 390,000 leads in 12 months.

How many nights have you stayed up til 4 am scouring
the internet seeking for that solution to ease all of the
pain you're experiencing with building your business?

For example, the horrible attrition rates, the lack of leads,
the zero duplication, the lack of REAL offline / online marketing
training that actually works. 

Well, we've found the solution to all of these variables.

This is your last chance... tonight's the night.  Fill out the form
on this website and reserve your spot immediately:


I'll give you fair warning here ... there are
THOUSANDS of networkers registered for this webinar
already, and I only have room for 1,000.  You better
show up early if you want any chance of getting on the
webinar tonight.

We will be covering some very important time sensitive
information.  If you miss this LIVE webinar tonight you'll
be kicking yourself in the tail a few weeks down the road.

What we're doing tonight had to be done... someone had
to step up and do this for the entire industry as a whole.

Your leaders have arrived...

The day has come...

It starts tonight...