Daily Lead Generation And Income Stats

Published: Wed, 12/09/09

Hi ,
I just wanted to shoot you a quick email to update you on my stats. I get asked a lot if online marketing works and if real people can make real money online. ummmm. yes.
I am living proof.
I have a background in Mechanical Engineering NOT Internet Marketing. I learned the ropes and goes to show anyone can. The main key is if you are following a leader. 
Here is my post on my stats
Daily Lead Generation And Income Stats
As always I am taking applications to work with me and here are the basic requirements:
1) Do you have $1 on a debit/credit card?
2) Do you have 2 weeks of time to invest in your business?
3) Do you check your email?
4) Can you apply what you learn?
When you are ready to take my $1 Trial for 2 weeks log in and dig in.