1st Place On Google In 9 Days!

Published: Thu, 01/14/10

People either love or hate pay per click due to the cost of getting on the first page. So many people are trying to get ranked on the organic search section of Google daily for many types of keywords.
Some take thousands of dollars and SEO specialist to do it.
I want to show you a sample of what My teachings with My system can do for you.
Go to Google.com and Search = top network marketing companies
don't put " or anything. Just search that term. You will notice there are as of today 119 million searches for that term.
Guess who is #1 on that search term right now after 9 days?
How does someone with zero SEO knowledge 10 months ago break out? Learn, repeat, test, learn, network with internet leaders, learn, apply, then score!
Tight budget, no problem.
Don't want to pay for pay per click traffic, no problem.
Get educated and follow in my footsteps. If I can do it anyone can.
Check out my Blog post here: