Time To Ruffle Some Feathers

Published: Thu, 02/25/10


Many of you are in companies different from my own. That is fine. Many of you are in companies that sell or promote something I don't even agree with. That is fine.


Some of you are promoting a business I feel will not be around in the future. Many of you I have told you straight up how I feel but regardless of that fact I will still train you with my system and newsletter.

A particular student of mine took offense to a review I wrote and I encourage feedback both positive and negative. That is the only way to get better in this industry so in response to this well written email to me I have posted a blog update to...

Is Bashing Other MLM Companies Not Okay Even If Their Middle Name Is Ponzi Scheme
Leave some feedback and let me know if I'm way off base or not.
Can you honestly tell someone they will be okay when deep down you feel like they will be building a business that will only close shop in the near future?
I guess it just depends on you.
Go to my blog post and let me know how you feel. Even you too "mystery student" ;)