Personal Facebook Marketing Training

Published: Wed, 03/03/10

Hi ,

Do you want to capitalize on the social networking phenomenon and
leverage a site that has 300 million active users worldwide?

Are you already on Facebook and spend hours each day online but
have no idea how to generate leads or profits into your MLM

Well this week we will be revealing some Facebook strategies that is
going to finally take your business to the next level.

We will show you exactly how top producers in Network Marketing
really use Facebook the right way to generate FREE leads and get
you raving fans that you can turn into paying customers.

We will teach you how to brand yourself as a leader on Facebook and
be someone of value so that people will be drawn towards you and
will be ready to join you in whatever Network Marketing business you
are with. We will also reveal to you the ONE REASON that people are
failing on Facebook and why they are killing their business without
even knowing it.

Learn how to properly use Facebook and leverage these areas for
your business: Profile, Groups, Articles, Videos, Events, Postings
and more!

Facebook will be finally be revealed in this training. Be there or
be square!

Join us on this week's bootcamp webinar. Pick one of the two date
and time convenient for you.

Wednesday 3rd March 2010
8pm US Est
9am Singapore/Malaysia (day after)
12noon Sydney (day after)

Registration link:

Presented by Aaron Chen

Saturday 6th March 2010

11.30am GMT/UK
1.30pm South Africa
7.30pm Malaysia Singapore
10.30pm Sydney

Registration link:

Presented by Ket-Sang Tai