Why I Did NOT Join Numis Network

Published: Mon, 03/15/10

I get asked to join Numis All of the time. I then also get asked
my opinion why I didn't join.

Well to stop having to repeat myself here is my blog post to
Why I Did NOT Join Numis Network:

Now, I have many network marketing friends who have jumped ship
to this business but to understand the "why" I didn't it's best
you just read my opinion to why I felt it didn't sit well with me.

Feel free to comment and understand you will be pitched over and
over online just for the fact you are sought after as a leader.
MLM reps are always trying to recruit "up" and doing so will always
try and convert those who are more successful.

This brings up what I teach.

If you are not recruiting leaders, you better be growing them in
your mlm downline.