Building A Downline That Isn't Building Itself?

Published: Mon, 03/15/10

The ability to have a lasting residual lies in the ability to
teach a core group of people to sponsor more reps and make more
sales. If you can't do this, the reps you brought in will not
make enough money to maintain their autoship.

This is where retention comes into play.

If your looking for walk away monthly income you must understand
that not all opportunities are the same. If they were then you
could effectively just close your eyes and just pick one.


That is not the case if you want to make more money.

It's like someone getting paid drastically different for the same
amount of work at your J.O.B today. We both know there are plenty
of people doing the same work yet getting paid a heck of a lot more.

The same goes for network marketing (MLM) opportunities.

I will be presenting my opportunity and how I'm able to sponsor
online even automatically due to the fact that my business's ability
to make reps more money and retain more reps is undisputed.

I am presenting at 10pm EST tonight here:

We will be holding presentations all week all over the globe in
different time zones.

Here is the Calender:

Sometimes you gotta take a step back and realize why you joined a
network marketing business. Did you want to be a company person
or were you just trying to make some more money?