Holy Crap! more than 20 signups in 3 hours!

Published: Thu, 03/18/10

In case you didn't hear, the company
I was in just decided to pull the
plug on network marketing. I made
a quick, and well thought out decision
to move into a company that has been
absolutely rocking the world in this
industry, and in my first 3 hours,
more than 20 people have enrolled with

I wanted to thank all of you who trust
in me, and let's make this our LAST
move together. All of you know that
I'm a supporter of sticking with one
company, and when my company decided
earlier today to pull the plug on me,
I made a decision that I believe is
in all of our best interest, and that
is to align myself with the top
marketers in the world with the fastest
growing network marketing company that
exists, which is the Numis Network.

If you haven't had a chance to enroll
yet, we will put 200 people in the team
by the end of this week, and you
want to make a decision NOW to capitalize
on the growth. My signup link to be
personally enrolled and mentored by me
