Not a time for egos... It can happen to the best of them

Published: Thu, 03/18/10

Yesterday was probably, well, the
most unexpected day that I've
had in a long time...

...a lot of you know, I've been
building a business that I
truly believed in called
'ilearningglobal', and it's
enabled me to live a kind of
lifestyle that people only
dream of...

I was able to make some serious
income while helping many others
do the same without pitching
things they don't need or
have no use for.

All that came to a stop with
the closure of my company. And
All that hard work invested into
building a stable residual income
went down the tubes within hours.

So I had to make a decision.

Either whine and complain about
what happened, and let the momentum
that I've created disappear into the
random abyss of corporations,
OR take what I've learned over
the last 12 months building my
business online, and KEEP my team
together, but with a new focus.

I chose the latter.

Because of acting QUICKLY, and
not allowing my ego to get in the
way, I was able to create more
than two thousand dollars of income
in less than 3 hours, and re-build
the foundation of what it took me
months to build in my previous company.

Some people question my decision to
act quickly. There were hard feelings
toward what the company did by a lot
of individuals.

But you know what?

None of that matters if you look at
what the reality is about what we're
REALLY doing in this industry.

We're creating the most valuable asset
a person could possibly have, which is
not a company, is not a residual income,
is not a product, and is not a 'downline'.

The most valuable asset you can have
in this industry is your relationships
that you develop along the way.

I've had countless team members tell me:

"I don't care what it is but you have shown
that you are a true leader in this industry
and have made me plenty of money in the past
so nothing has changed for me really.
Wherever you decide to go that is where I
will follow".

So I made a decision to keep the momentum
that I've developed off of months of
hard work, and to transfer it to a new

I wanted to thank all of you who made the
decision to align with us, and continue our
effort in this new arena, and I wanted
to say that a bright future awaits us all.

Today is a big day.

It is going to be the formulation of a
mastermind team that is going to put
1,000 distributors on our team by the
end of this month.

We are going to do opportunity calls
every 2 hours, starting at 12 eastern
time, and going every 2 hours until
8pm EST. Then at 10pm EST tomorrow, we are
going to pull together everyone who
is enrolled for a special, invitation
only mastermind discussion on a specific
gameplan as to how we're going to put
1000 people in our team in 12 days.

My question for you is...

...are you going to let circumstances
determine your fate, or will you align
with us in creating the greatest momentum
the world has ever seen?

Here's the link to register for the calls

I will be working with the #3 earner in
Numis and With David Wood who is going to
be hosting the majority of the masterminds.

Today is the first FULL day I will be
transitioning my entire team and want
to be sure those who are on the fence
about joining a company or those who were
looking to leave their current company
need to understand that this kind of
titanic wave only comes every so often.

So many gripe and moan that they missed
the boat. Well, this is a freight train
with thousands of leads being contacted
within our teams to move off of ilearningglobal
and those who have been ready to join
before the doors closed on ILG.

We are only looking for executive members
as of this moment. If you are not ready to
join at our executive package you can go
ahead and wait until our massive transfer
is over because you will be missing out
on $100 every times an executive joins.

You will be inflating our numbers when
you aren't even serious. Building a team
comes from understanding that the team only
moves as a group when we ALL make money.
If you join as a basic option you are basically
telling us that:

Every single executive we place under you
WOULD have paid you $100 but instead
you decided to join as a basic member
which means you do NOT get this startup

And yes. We are placing our team as we speak
as executives to get paid on the entire

If you are ready and NOT messing around
here is the link to join OUR personal team: