Q & A with Global Elite Marketers Today

Published: Wed, 04/07/10

Dear All GEMers,

This is the last week Global Elite Marketers 90 Days Training Bootcamp.

Aaron will be taking Q and A and also critiques your blogs and capture pages. This is a great opportunity to have your blogs reviewed by a top marketer.

There will be No Saturday training

Register for the Wednesday training at
http://wedswebinar. globalelitemarketers.com
8pm EST tonight

The week after there will be no webinar as we are taking a break after the end of the BootCamp series. We will be back on Wednesday 21st April with more and even better training!

In Summary:

Wednesday 7th April - Q & A + Blog and Capture pages  critiques
Saturday 10th April - NO Training
Wedsnesday 14th April - NO Training
Saturday 17th April - NO Training
Wednesday 21st April - Training BACK ON! Topic to be announced closer to date.