Super Saturday and Mother's Day.... Now I'm Tired

Published: Mon, 05/10/10

I hope you had a great weekend. I was pretty busy with my marketing training class on Friday teaching online marketing traffic/lead generation to a select few marketers in my home town of Sugar Land, TX.
Saturday was really Super Saturday with the launch of my primary company's nation wide convention in Houston, TX.
You can see this cool recap of what I collected in pictures and video here: Super Saturday with Lawrence Tam
Make sure you attend your company's national conventions as you will then be able to mastermind with others in your upline. This is essential. Marketing is not a one man job. You will need assistance in offline marketing methods, 3 way call support, and hopefully someone in your upline does online marketing.
The amount of detail that goes into my marketing can not fully be expressed in my emails, blogs, and training courses. Your upline MUST be in the trenches and showing you multiple times what you need to be doing to succeed online if that is your chosen course.
I sponsored over 20 people into my primary now in about 5 weeks. My business partner and the person who sponsored me has sponsored 120+ in 5 weeks.  The idea is that network marketing is NOT easy but making money at it can be made easier.
  1. If your product/service in demand?
  2. Is there other companies competing with you right now?
  3. If you talked to 100 people how many would buy products or join your company?
  4. Is your product easy to describe online?
  5. Is your Opportunity easy to sell online?
  6. Does your upline train offline and online marketing?
  7. Is your upline even active?
These are just some of the things you need to be aware of. 
PS. if you liked my video tool, you can try it for yourself here:
Animoto - The End of Slideshows