1 day left to listbuilder bootcamp 4.0...

Published: Wed, 06/09/10

If You Haven't Seen My Free 7 Day Course, Register Here For It
I just wanted to give you a quick heads 
up about tomorrow tonight...
Combined, the 4 speakers we're going
to have on the webinar on Thursday
have generated over 40,000 leads, 
over a million dollars in sales, recruited
hundreds and hundreds of people, and
quite frankly...
...are going to be teaching some very
cool concepts this thursday.
We're almost at our full capacity, and
there are going to be some people that
can't get on.
If you want to learn how I've generated
more than 10,000 leads for since
March of 2009 - and we're going to
teach you how to do it...
I'll see you there!
Click here to register and lock in your spot