Last Chance! <<10 minutes left to get free access to Listbuilder Bootcamp 4.0>>

Published: Thu, 06/10/10

I just wanted to give you one last chance to
get access to our boot camp - if you're on
the fence, here's the link to get started:
Click here and enroll as an Executive now...
Here's why you should take action on this
special offer:
1.  You get free access to more than $1694
in training bonuses if you enroll in the next 10
2.  You'll be a part of my personal team and
have access to ongoing, weekly coaching
on how to build your network marketing
3.  You'll be placed in a GREAT position
in my team - I just brought over a guy who
has more than 3,000 people in another company,
and is about to bring them over - I'm going to
put you RIGHT at the top of his business, so
you can capitalize on spillover.
4.  We only have, as of this email, 5 spots
left to this promotion - so if you have ever
wanted to be a part of my personal team
and were waiting for the 'right time'...
...this is it.
Click here to enroll now, and let's talk tomorrow

  -Lawrence Tam
P.S.  I just wanted to tell you how pumped
I am to be working with you - Network Marketing
is an exciting journey - and I'm glad you're a
part of the team.  In my opinion, this is the
best team on earth, and we're going to rip
it up together.