Shocking: How they won MacBooks, Ipads & Flip HD’s EXPOSED!

Published: Mon, 06/21/10


If for some reason you were unaware of
a GLOBAL contest that was taking place
over the last few months, allow me to
share a few pieces of information with you

I've surrounded myself with the sharpest
marketers on the planet, all of which are
DOMINATING this industry leveraging
one simple system to produce serious profits
for their businesses.

These leaders from around the globe took place
in an epic battle over the last 3 months, and
the results are in.

You're going to be shocked when you see who
took home the prizes (they're all essentially
household names in our industry. basically
anyone who is anyone is inside our core group
learning from these rockstars each and everyday
how they're generating 100+ leads per day and
sponsoring new recruits on a daily basis).

I'd be willing to bet that if you've spent any
amount of time in our industry and online, then
you've heard of at least half of these superstars:

So how does this benefit YOU?!

Well this Wednesday we're going to be
interviewing a handful of these leaders who
are just CRUSHING it out there!

We're going to dig deep into their marketing
arsenal and pry out ALL their secrets.

How in the world did they manage to take
prizes in a competition with THOUSANDS of
marketers, which includes some of the best
marketing talent to ever walk the earth?

It will all be laid on the table this Wednesday,
June 23rd at 9:00 PM EST. Register here:

MyLeadSystemPRO(TM) Live  Marketing &  Training Call for
Members and Guests.  Join Us this Wednesday Night and listen live.

9PM Eastern (5 GMT)
8PM Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific

Time Converter Link:

This will sell out . If you want
to learn from the best of the best then you

better show up early. This is gonna be fun! :)