Lawrence Tam Personal Training

Published: Fri, 07/23/10

Hi ,

With the growth of my team I will be now doing a weekly webinar.

Every Monday Night 9pm EST (for the most part) register/648637736

To kick it off I will be doing my first training tomorrow then try and follow a general Monday training schedule. Stay tuned for changes through email.

First Training session is Saturday July 24th 9pm EST (tomorrow)

For the time being I will NOT record this as this will force you to attend to get the training. How bad do you want to succeed?

Lawrence Tam Lead and Income online

My goal is for you to leap frog me. Buckle up and let's get to your goals now.
  1. Graduate from my 7 day internet lead generation bootcamp
  2. Come with an open mind
  3. Bring a pen/paper or use a computer notepad
So the question asked: Why this webinar in addition to your every other Wednesday training with Global EliteMarketers?
Answer: Because Global Elite Marketers is a generic format between Aaron, Dr. Tai, and myself. This one will be more specific and with that I will need to train specifically to how I sponsor which means I will need to discuss my primary to understand how I sponsored 30 + people in 3 months.
Looking to help you rise to the top,
Lawrence Tam
PS. if your not using a marketing system but want to market online that is like trying to drive a car with no wheel and gas. Use the exact marketing system that has generated me over 10,000 leads and sponsored over 50 people in a year into my primary business ALL online.
My Marketing System