One of My Favorite Tools But Something Changing

Published: Mon, 08/02/10

Hey ,
I wanted to give you a heads up as I just found this out like 30min ago.
One of the best tools I used for article marketing and what I showcased in my internet lead generation training bootcamp on day 6 is going to have something hit pretty soon.
What is it?
Straight from their company they said:

"Prices Going Up

Just a quick heads-up: Prices are about to go up. Don't miss your chance to sign up at the current prices before they go up in a few days.

Get the plan you want at the price you see today - because tomorrow it'll be gone!"

 I would be sure to lock in a price as it's one of the best bang of the bucks in terms of marketing any business online using the proven methods of article marketing.
PS. if you haven't graduated from my bootcamp course and still struggling with leads online then you owe it to yourself to register for my class at no cost:  internet lead generation training bootcamp