9pm EST When Online Collides...

Published: Wed, 08/04/10

Confirm You Are On This Training List Before Tonight
Hi ,
Most would say marketing online and meeting people face to face is kinda like saying "do you want fries with your peanut butter?"
See normally people go online to avoid meetings and really NETWORKING. 
But remember why your doing a business? Remember?
It's Network Marketing. If you never plug in and meet REAL online marketers like myself who are killing it even part time how will you take it to the next level?
I will be on a plane in the next day or so to attend my Numis Network national convention to mastermind with some of the best in our industry then when October 2 rolls around I will be there also.
Because I understand the important of NOT re-inventing the wheel and getting viral exposure.
Normally we have a live webinar broadcast but those only hold 1,000 people so instead they switched to an audio format that can put in about 1500 which still is over booked as of today.
Come in early and take notes here:
==> DIAL: 1-646-519-5860
==> PIN Code: 8206#
Even if you can't make it the 5 videos are off the chain and will help you dive deeper into your own business. You can either try to carve your own path or how about mimic what works online today and take up a notch with your own flavor?
If your not registered for the 5 videos do it here
I look forward to meeting a lot of you and can't wait to see many of you surpass what I have been able to do in a year part time. 
Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam
PS. Watch what MLSP is really about
How to Mastermind and work in my inner circle