Live The Dream Servers Are Back Up After Massive Surge Of Tickets Sold

Published: Thu, 08/05/10

Hey ,
Well, I've setup my time and ready to rock and roll in Vegas. I will be staying at the Venetian with the other Executive members so I will be on site at all times to help connect with everyone.

HERE-->> Remember to watch the videos and lock in a ticket asap <<--HERE

If you didn't notice both Mike Dillard's List and Ray & Ferny are pushing this because they understand something like this just doesn't happen.

If you have a laptop bring it!

I will be doing personal break out sessions to help you go deep into what you need to do to take your game to the next level.


I started in MLSP in Mach 2009.

Over a year later
  • 10,000 + leads
  • Thousands in commissions (I've made more than $2,000 in commissions from MLSP in a single month)
  • Over 50+ sign ups into my personal MLM company
All of this started to take shape AFTER I was mentored and put my pride aside and asked to mastermind with others that knew more than me. I joined a business just so I can rub elbows with more master marketers. Did it pay off? Heck yes.

I want to see every single one of you in Vegas to really turn it up a notch.

Even though we do internet marketing many of you, and i've been there too, think we can HIDE from the meeting real people.

Think about what your doing. Your in NETWORK marketing. it's a contact sport.

The Fastest way to accelerate your learning is to absorb everything you can and the amount of value that will be delivered will exceed your expectations. Why?

Normal MLM conventions honor reps and tell you to keep talking to your friends and family. If not, they just tell you to try harder.

MLSP- we dive into the PURE marketing efforts of how we generate leads. NO where on the planet will get as much knowledge as you will here.
Get your tickets to rub elbows with some serious internet marketers.

I look forward to network with you and bringing your business to the next level.
Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam
PS. Meet me at the Venetian