I'm Back From The Land Of Gold and Silver

Published: Sun, 08/08/10

Hey ,
I finally got settled at my house after a crazy 2 days in Tampa at my national convention for Numis Network.
I got some great motivational tips and even better tips on being a better husband. 
But I did want to show you an interview chalked with pure value for ANY network marketing business.
Click here for the EXCLUSIVE interview with:
Larry Beachum and David Wood on their 1 Tip To Network Marketing
Now why even listen?
My primary business of Numis Network is a $500 buy in and as a collective I bet we have sponsored more than 300 plus reps all online.
So how can 3 guys sponsor so many people and makes thousands in sales in less than 6 months all online?
It's called a REAL MASTERMIND.
If your current company has no plans in teaching online marketing....
If your upline will never teach you online marketing....
 If you upline has never sponsored a consistent amount of people online....
Here is the exclusive interview again
Stop guessing why myself and our team can do so much from the comfort of our home and start to realize it's because your running up hill. If your current situation doesn't lend itself to helping you financially why are you in business in the first place? Isn't it to Make Money and not get buried in minimum autoship purchases?
Contact me, it's time you start moving in the right direction.
Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam
PS. to jump ahead and have people (300+ we sponsored in under 6 months)
fall under you take action now or just wait and have more put above you and don't claim that money.
It's your wallet.
Executives need only apply.