My Special Bonus For Live The Dream

Published: Fri, 08/20/10

Hey ,
Now if you haven't seen this information about the live the dream event.... Where have you been?
Go here to get up to speed
Well I will be there in full force October 1-3 (midnight) and will be training and mentoring hundreds of internet/network marketers.
Now I want to only meet the truly dedicated professionals in our industry so it is a MUST you attend the VIP EVENTS to really dive into your business and how to integrate what we teach.
Now for those who purchase the live the dream event VIP tickets through my link I will be giving you a special bonus.
I will send you my 9 page hand written underground method of my way of generating leads online. This has not been released yet and will be one of my bigger products I release early next year. You will get your hands on it as a VIP guest of mine.
I call it the "Article Marketing Domination Blueprint"
 (Purchase the VIP ticket then email me your receipt information and I will send you my 9 page pdf right away)
I look forward to meeting you in person so take a camera/video camera and take good notes!
PS. Make sure to purchase the VIP tickets to get my 9 page document