Recruit 6 and 7-Figure Realtors Starting Tomorrow: a Never-Ending Resource

Published: Tue, 08/24/10

What if you chose only to recruit professionals
who were already making a healthy 6-figure income?

What if you chose only to sponsor individuals
who didn't want or need to be hand-held, and
they were self-motivated with goals in place
instead of you having to inspire them
every single day so they stay on autoship?

What if you had a proven system in place that
actually allowed you to do this in a way so that
you NEVER run out of PROFESSIONALS to talk to?

And lastly, what if you could put this system in
place TODAY so that you could be talking
to high-end professionals TOMORROW about
YOUR business?

Would you be interested?

If you said YES, then you're in for a treat this
Wednesday, August 25th at 9:00 PM EST,
because my buddy Todd Falcone, one of the
deadliest prospectors in the game today,
will be giving you access to ALL OF THIS!

Todd's been recruiting ONLY PROFESSIONALS
for over 20+ years, and the result
has been multiple 7-figure businesses
in this industry.

And trust me , business becomes
a LOT more fun and PROFITABLE when you choose
to NOT deal with the tire-kickers. And make no mistake,
it is a choice especially after this Wednesday's
training and what Todd is going to unveil.

Register for the webinar immediately, and show up
early this Wednesday because I guarantee you this
training will sell out:

== >

Wednesday, August 25th
9PM Eastern (5 GMT)
8PM Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific

Oh, and I talked him into giving you some of the actual
scripts he's been using for 20+ years to target
6 and 7-figure professionals. This stuff is PRICELESS.

If you're wanting a non-tech solution to get leaders on
the phone in a way that actually gets them asking
you about YOUR business, this Wednesday's
your ticket.

With what you're about to learn, which costs $0.00
to implement, there are NO EXCUSES as to why
you can't begin building a wildly profitable business
starting this week.

I'll see you this Wednesday !

Lawrence Tam
Your 6 Bonus Training Videos are here: