Masked Man Takes Over Vegas Oct. 2nd and 3rd? [Webinar Invite]

Published: Tue, 08/31/10

OK ,

We've got a KILLER trainer lined up for this
Wednesday's Webinar. Our mystery guest trainer
has spoken at some of the world's largest sales
conventions, one of his books has been purchased
by over 103,000+ network marketers, and well
over 250,000+ entrepreneurs have purchased his

(What's really cool is that we were able to get
this "under-the-radar rockstar" to speak at
our LIVE event coming up in Vegas on October
2nd and 3rd
, where he'll be sharing EXACTLY
how YOU can publish YOUR own book in this
industry, explode your brand, and join the .005%
who have a physical book published. There are
more lawyers in this country than there are leaders
with physical published books, and when you have
a physical book written there is no reason why you
can't have a healthy 6-figure per year business :)
If you don't have tickets to this incredible event coming
up in about 30 days,


As for this Wednesday, Sept. 1, check out what
this underground powerhouse will be revealing:

* 3 Critical Mistakes Online Marketers make
when they get a lead on the phone.

* How to "convert and close" the leads that
come into your sales funnel.

* How Online Marketers waste 97% of their
leads and marketing efforts - and how to fix it!

* Why your leads don't move through your
system and close.

* The one "Ninja" closing question you must ask
when selling a prospect into your primary opportunity.

* Not enough leads means not enough lead sources:
Why you need "5 To Stay Alive!"

* How focusing on online marketing can kill your
recruiting, and how to avoid this trap that 90% of
online marketers fall into.

* How to have a prospecting consciousness and
add 20 qualified leads to your funnel each week - Totally F*R*E*E!

And much, much more!

You can NOT afford to miss this value-packed
training. Register NOW and show up early this
Wednesday, Sept. 1 because this will sell out:

== >

Wednesday, September 1st
9PM Eastern (5 GMT)
8PM Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific

This "Masked-Man" unveils his mask this
Wednesday, and you definitely deserve to
meet him!

PS. Make sure you graduate from my F*ree 7 day bootcamp