Traffic Cipher Backfires

Published: Thu, 11/04/10


Funny story of how a couple of Ray and Ferny's students used Traffic Cipher AGAINST them and stole their traffic.

These two students, who were already students of Ray's and Ferny's and members of Traffic Cipher (this product was made available to them ~a month ago) knew they was going to be a lot of buzz around Traffic Cipher. So they started SEOing for that exact term and well... got top ranking. lol.

They did that with about a couple hours worth of work and low and behold.... the buzz started and guess what they got to their website? Traffic and leads and well, sales. Lots of lots sales which meant good affiliate commison.


These guys simply did what Ray and Ferny taught them within Traffic Cipher to generate thousands of dollars online ranking for some extremely valuable Google real estate (i.e. tons of other keywords).

You can do the same... for dirt cheap with the $100 discount they are offering...