Hawaiian Ants In His...

Published: Tue, 11/23/10

Hey ,
So my marketing buddy, Joe, was sitting right next to me in Hawaii in our room and we were discussing some strategies to online marketing principles like funnels and one time offers when he goes:
"Oh Dang... there are ants IN my computer".
Just when you thought it was safe to get on your computer to work on your business ants come out and stop you short.
There are plenty of things in life that are unexpected hurdles to getting your business up. What is even worse is to get up and running only to have little ants divert you from your goal.
These little ants are what I like to call the Beta Problem.
They have nothing better to do than slow down your own success. If your building a business that deals with managing people or training reps in a team like network marketing you need to avoid the Beta person as much as possible.
More is explained here